I have just put together a four week practical course for a client which will show the versatility of popular culinary herbs. Sessions will be 3 hrs long and include a dish to cook and take home and recipe sheets. This is based on a course I taught a few years ago at West Suffolk College. I have always been fascinated by herbs and their many uses and have developed recipes for all of these popular and easy to obtain herbs.
Week 1 - Basil, thyme and chives. Week 2 - Parsley, tarragon and bay. Week 3 - Coriander, sage and oregano Week 4 - Mint, rosemary and dill. Get in touch if you would like a short cookery course created or delivered for you.
It's always good to get published in a cookbook! I have lots of local food knowledge and contacts in the food world if you need recommendations
Today I've been working on an article for the Herb Society magazine. I write a regular column and this time the title is "My Desert Island Herb". I chose Dill. It's easy to grow and self seeding. It likes sunshine and will tolerate drought so perfect for my hot and arid desert island. I always provide a recipe and made these mushroom, dill and cream cheese pastries. Most of my recipes are published on my SuffolkFoodie blog.